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Neue Antwort erstellen icq update patch dosent work
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I have a problem like you the message shows me again

I installed patch 1.4 and still not working , what can I do?

I got icq 5.1

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Beiträge: 933
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Hey Guy,

Try this new patch. It's just a few hours old an also from Murb:

Greetz Skip

qip Infium
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murfhom hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I got icq 5.1

There are many ICQ 5.1! Please let us know which build number you've got.
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Beiträge: 933
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murfhom hat Folgendes geschrieben:

I have a problem like you the message shows me again

I installed patch 1.4 and still not working , what can I do?

I got icq 5.1


Which Buil-Number do you have? You can find when you find it out by clicking on "help" at the top of the contaclist and then "about icq". The first two lines are ICQ-Version, for example 5.10, and buildnumber, for example 3000. If you got an other buildnumber, please report it here and it will be soon a patch aviable that is working with your build of icq.

After you've patched with the 1.4 Patch, your buildnumber will be displayed with a 9 as first letter.

qip Infium
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how could I know if I can't connetct?

by the way build 3000 in english works but my icq(hebew) not
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First,I would like to say thank you for invent this amazing patch,not everyone including me like the new ICQ 6
But..since today,the patch is not working anymore.
seems like ICQ decided to fight back.
I tried to reinstall it,but it does'nt help

the version is ICQ 5.1 Hebrew

Thank you again,and greetings from israel Smile
Re: Itay
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Itay hat Folgendes geschrieben:
First,I would like to say thank you for invent this amazing patch,not everyone including me like the new ICQ 6
But..since today,the patch is not working anymore.
seems like ICQ decided to fight back.
I tried to reinstall it,but it does'nt help

the version is ICQ 5.1 Hebrew

Thank you again,and greetings from israel Smile

Opps..I didn't mentioned the build number :S
anyway,it's 'Build 3000'

Beiträge: 5115
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I've changed some code, so it should work now. Please try it. Maybe you have to reinstall ICQ.

Download new ICQ Update Patch
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thankk you
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you have excellent site!! Smile
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PainT hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I've changed some code, so it should work now. Please try it. Maybe you have to reinstall ICQ.

Download new ICQ Update Patch

WOW!it's work!
thanks a lot!Smile
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Beiträge: 933
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murfhom hat Folgendes geschrieben:
how could I know if I can't connetct?

Sorry, my mistake. It was late in the evening. Wink

qip Infium
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Beiträge: 5
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works thanks!!
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Thank you so much for your work man! The new patch works great for me. The new icq 6 sucks so much ass that i would probably swithc to qip if not you and loose the ability to play warsheep - the reason i connect to the internet every day (joke Smile ). I've heard that they at AOL are going to change the protocolevery week, would you be able to keep up with that rate? It seems easy for you to make new patches, maybe you should add a donation function on your website (or make it more noticeable because if it exists i didnt find it). Also i had to remember my school german lessons to pass antispam test because i was too lasy to google for translation, that was fun!
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they probably blocked the patch due to it is not working now
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Beiträge: 5115
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For me it still works so they haven't blocked it in general. Try to reinstall ICQ.
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icq update patch dosent work
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