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ICQ 7 banner remover
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I have a problem...when i launch the banner remover for icq7 it just says: Downloading components...forever....
could you please upload the exe of BANNER REMOVER and not this downloader...and i can't understand why you do such a "cool" installation tools and not just exe. For what i need to do the installation process for such a tiny software??
Beiträge: 5115
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Sorry for the circumstances. Try this one.
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thanks for link...
but there is a problem:
Couldn't write data? (ran the program as admin and accepted by firewall...the directory and version of icq7 is correct)
Beiträge: 5115
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Ok, thanks for feedback. I think this was caused by your language (not German). The program tried to write into a directory which doesn't exist. I have fixed it, so please try it again (same link).
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thank you very much
works perfect
Very Happy
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Hi there,

I've just installed ICQ Banner Remover, but I got this error trying to start it:

I'm on Win XP SP3 and I have administration rights for sure.

Thank you in advance for the help!
Beiträge: 5115
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Maybe the ICQ Banner Remover can't access hosts file. Uncheck 'Deactivate banner ads in the message field' and try again.
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It seems I got some progress, but there is another problem:

Unfortunately I don't speak german Sad

Probably it doesn't matter, but previously I was on ICQ6.5 with ICQ Banner Remover 6.5 and it worked fine.

Anyway, thanks for the help! Maybe I have to spend some time finaly and to migrate to Win7
Beiträge: 5115
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To solve this problem go to your ICQ installation directory and open the folder updates. There you delete all listed files. Then you create a folder named manifest. Now it should work.

See a screenshot here:

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ICQ 7 banner remover
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