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How can I get more Pokemon go candy
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How can I get more candy?

You get more candy by catching Pokemon, plain and simple. You catch a Pidgey, you get Pidgey candy. You catch a Rattata, you get Rattata candy.

The same applies if you catch higher-evolved forms. pokemon go accounts power leveling Nab yourself a Pidgeotto, you still get Pidgey candy. Net a Raticate, you'll be flush with Rattata candy.

When you 'transfer' caught Pokemon back to the rare pokemon for sale Professor - i.e. when you get rid of surplus, deadwood, not-gonna-cut-it monsters - you get one candy of that Pokemon's type per transfer.

Hatching eggs is the other way to get your hands on extra candy, and this is particularly vital if you want to level-up your starter Pokemon - Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle - as they are difficult to find in the wild
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How can I get more Pokemon go candy
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