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How about These Packs in FIFA 17?
Beiträge: 18
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I've been saving up on Nottingham Forest players in case of a John Terry SBC.

Others are gonna be a doozy to complete.

Derby County vs Nottingham Forest: 1,400 FIFA Coins
Wisla Krakow vs Cracovia: 1,850 FIFA Coins
Boca Juniors vs River Plate: 1,350 FIFA Coins
Jeonbuk FC vs America: 5,200 FIFA Coins

Thankfully had packed and bought players from Derby County and Nottingham Forest for 150 fifa coins ages ago. Finally came to fruition. Sold players for 4k, 3.5k, and 3k respectively so easily profitable for me. Rest of these will take me a bit of time to gather together. The Polish league one was quite simple. Had to go out and buy a bronze which is just about all I spent. Argentinean league was super easy. Sadly I got crap in return for it. Finally... the last one was a pain in the ass cause of the rating. Probably could have done it for cheaper, oh well.

Jumbo Gold Pack:
79 OVR Mateo Kovacic
75 OVR Timo Werner
68 OVR Marvin Baudry (Pro League)
Shadow Chemistry Style

All Players Pack:
81 OVR Robert Zieler
77 OVR Jonas Hofmann
76 OVR Erik Pieters
76 OVR Perparim Hetemaj
68 OVR Srdan Mijalivoc (Super Lig)

Premium Gold Players Pack:
82 OVR Victor Valdes
80 OVR Josip Ilicic
79 OVR Johannes Geis

Premium Silver Players Pack:
74 OVR Tiemoue Bakayoko (Ligue 1)
69 OVR Matt Lampson (MLS)
66 OVR Marco Jimenez (Liga MX)

Premium Gold Players Pack #2:
82 OVR Emiliano Viviano
80 OVR Hakan Calhanoglu
75 OVR Prejuce Nakoluma (Super Lig)

I'm really fortunate I got Bakayoko in the pack cause he got me 4k and basically made it so me dropping 3k on the Jeonbuk player didn't matter. Overall... probably not worth it for the packs, but I made some nice profit.
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How about These Packs in FIFA 17?
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