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Neue Antwort erstellen FIFA 17 POTM Costa Squad Building Challenge
FIFA 17 POTM Costa Squad Building Challenge
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After a week of voting, FIFA 17 POTM for November has official been revealed. Diego Costa is the winner. FIFA 17 POTM Costa Squad Building Challenge is live now. Finish the four challenges, including Costa's Past, Costa's Present, Premier League and Eight Clubs, then you can get an untradeable Diego Costa for a special Award Winner version. Also you can buy fifa 17 coins at our website to open packs to get Diego Costa.

Challenge 1: Costa's Past
Rewards: Prime Gold Players Pack x 1
This challenge requires you at least 5 Atlético Madrid Players and 5 Brazil Players, at least 1 TOTW players in the squad to meet the minimum 85 team rating and 100 chemistry.

Challenge 2: Costa's Present
Rewards: Prime Gold Players Pack x 1
This challenge requires you at least 5 Chelsea Players and 5 Spain Players, minimum 1 TOTW players in the squad to reach at least 85 team rating and 100 chemistry.

Challenge 3: Premier League
Rewards: EPL Prime Players Pack x 2
For this challenge, you need exact 11 EPL players, among which there are at least 1 TOTW players, 10 rare players. The squad should reach at least 85 team rating and 100 chemistry.

Challenge 4: Eight Clubs
Rewards: Premium Gold Jumbo Pack x 2
This challenge requires you there are at least 8 TOTW players. These gold players must be from 8 different clubs.

You can see the Costa's preformaces last month here. Do you want to get Diego Costa? Just completing the SBC above.
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FIFA 17 POTM Costa Squad Building Challenge
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