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Neue Antwort erstellen Madden NFL Mobile: How Defense Has Changed
Madden NFL Mobile: How Defense Has Changed
Beiträge: 13
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Saying that defense is not a priority in Madden NFL Mobile is a bit of an understatement. In asynchronous head-to-head play, you don't take control of your defenders at all, as the AI manages them while your opponent plays offense. When it's your turn, you play offense only. Buy Madden Mobile Coins .

Yet assembling a top defense is still part of your team-building duty, and for the new NFL season, Madden has made some intriguing changes to the way you give instructions to your defense by totally revamping the Gameplan system.

Prior to the 2016 refresh, the Gameplan was pretty simple. You picked a few plays you thought your opponent was more likely to call than other plays, and if they called them, your defense rushed through the line en masse and made it very difficult to gain any positive yardage. Cheap Madden Mobile Coins .

The problem was that made defense somewhat of a one-trick pony. Once your opponent figure out what plays you had planned against, he or she simply wouldn't call those plays again. All it really did was to take some calls out of each player's arsenal, and that's not really even close to how defense works in real life.
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Madden NFL Mobile: How Defense Has Changed
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