I download the ICQ Password Hasher and got the MD5 Hash, then downloaded the ICQ Password Changer and entered the UIN along with the MD5 i got.
I hit Login and got the Verify-Code, then where the "Change Password" is I entered my new password (6 characters) but i cant press the "Change password" button..
Any ideas what i'm doing wrong?
It's not possible to change the password only by hash anymore. ICQ fixed this one year ago. So you have to login with your password in plain text. To get this, you have to "decode" your hash. If you don't know how, you can post your hash and verify code here and you will get your password.
Where can I decode my md5 icq password hash?
TBone Gast
Verfasst am: 26.08.2011, 22:38
Where can I decode my password md5 hash 5743381B75DC283279C596EFC958F6ED and verify code E0BRF3BT?
Thx in advance!
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