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Neue Antwort erstellen SK Gaming is World Champion
SK Gaming is World Champion
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Cologne - In the finals of the cheap csgo skins Cologne to SK Gaming can with 2: 0 himself from Team Liquid. Thus the Brazilians earn $ 500, 000 in prize money. Liquid obtained meanwhile the consolation prize of $ 150, 000.

At the meeting of the two finalists, there was a failed revenge for Liquid. At the last CS: GO-Major, the MLG Columbus, the Americans lost in the semifinals against fall and his colleagues. The finals started at the request of SK Gaming on Train. The Brazilians started on the T side and earned solid eight laps during the first half.

cs go cheap skins moved to the CT side, Liquid had no chance: Not a single round could attract more. SK Gaming won the first map with 16:. 7Liquids real superstar s1mple worked on the first Map absent: he distributed Not even 50 damage on average per round and his K / D was 10/17.

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SK Gaming is World Champion
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