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How about This 4-3-2-1 Squad in FIFA 17?
Beiträge: 18
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Hello everyone, I'm here to give you my 4-3-2-1 team. They are the best squad for me, I just want to share them with you to give you some ideas to build your team.

However as fifa coins are piling up i'm thinking about possible upgrades/sidegrades. I play on PC.

There are some players (i'll write their name in caps) i absolutely don't want to replace but feel free to throw your ideas at me!

ST: ROONEY (unbelievable as a ST, his sub is IF Sigursson and both delight me... Rooney is just too good, runs everywhere, intercepts everything, killer passes, godlike finishing... he just wins games.)

LF: Payet (scores a VERY high percentage of free kicks, tried Martial & his poor passing didn't work with my style, tried Sanchez but he just vanishes, hate Hazard)

RF: Mkhitaryan. Does his job... tried Mahrez but he falls off the ball to quickly for me... Open to suggestions.

LCM: KANTE (only replacement i'd consider would be IF Kante i guess....)

CCM: MATIC (A beast, and his height helps a lot.. tried Touré but WR didn't work. Fernandinho didn't bring as much and Fellaini can't pass for some reason..) Surprise me please!

RCM: Movember Henderson (Holds the ball, passes very well, HH WR with 98 stamina... a good allrounder) Tried Gundogan but wasn't too impressed... Tried Herrera but didn't like him... Tried Touré but once again i didn't like him...) Dembélé maybe?

LB: Azpilicueta (Switching him with Shaw at times...) does his job

LCB/RCB: Smalling/Bailly (I know i know...)

RB: Coleman (I used to go bailly - aurier - touré for chem, and NOONE has matched Aurier for me...) Considering 7chem Aurier or maybe IF Walker?

GK: Lloris. was satisfied with mandanda but upgraded nonetheless...

Custom tactic is 75-60 organised / 70-30-65 free / 20(to 60 depending on opponent) -50 -50 cover Instructions are typical 4321 stuff. GiB for front 3. CCM stays back along RB LB. I'd be glad to get you guys opinions.

Thank you for reading, just write you comments below.
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How about This 4-3-2-1 Squad in FIFA 17?
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